Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Chickpeas with Chorizo & Bacon recipe

my Chickpeas with Chorizo & Bacon  - no carbs Cass(erole!)

OK so as gay as it sounds I made this recipe tonight and it was so good I HAD to write it out and basically pass on the vibe. 

This is a quick and tasty casserole kinda stew vibe and the best thing about this is it literally has NO CARBS (well no bad carbs anyway)!! ...It’s so easy to make - its just chop and throw ingredients in the pot and leave to simmer away! With the occasional stir it will be ready in about 40 mins!

Serves 3-4 peeps
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 small onions
2 cloves garlic
1 chorizo sausage – about 150 grams
3 slices of bacon (optional)
2-3 finely chopped dried red chillies (kinda like the length of your small finger)
small glass of white wine
shot of sherry (dry if u have)
1 tin of tomatoes
1 tin of chickpeas
1 sweet potato (optional)
quarter of fennel (optional)
1 carrot (optional)
chopped parsley to finish

The basics of this recipe are chickpeas, chorizo, onion and tomatoes – I happened to have fennel, sweet potato, carrot and bacon in the fridge so decided to add them and it tasted good – so feel free to add/ take out whatever you please! Its all about the impro(visation)!

Wack the olive oil in the pot – I have an amazing big deep casserole pot that’s massive - which I LOVE cooking in and my friend Hannah from Raw Power bought me from M&S years ago as I demanded it for a Christmas pressy….roughly chop the onions and add them to the oil, stirring to coat them, then letting them cook at a moderate heat. Smash the garlic with a wooden spoon - this makes the skin easier to get rid of, chop it thinly and stir it into the onions. I hate touching garlic as it leaves a rank stench in between your finger nails, so I’m known to literally hold the garlic in place with a wooden spoon in one hand and a knife chopping it to hold it in another – sounds craze but if you don’t want stinky garlic fingers then this is deffo the way forward! Cook the onions and garlic until soft and golden.

Slice the chorizo & bacon into apx 1-2cm chunks. Mix chorizo & bacon in with the softened onions then add the chillies. Pour in the wine & the sherry – you can use all wine or all sherry – or even vermouth if you don’t have wine and sherry at hand. Once the alcohol is involved bring it to the boil. Add the tomatoes, chickpeas (drained of their canning liquor and rinsed), roughly chopped fennel, carrot and sweet potato, then pour in a can of water and season with salt & black pepper. Bring to the boil then turn down to simmer and leave to cook, slowly, with a lid ajar for 45 minutes.

Give it a stir every now and then and when the sweet potato is soft then its ready to serve! Plate up and then chop some parsley and drizzle over some olive oil and let the yummy times commence!

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