Wednesday, 3 February 2010 at WEST ROCKS SXSW 2009

last year with Black Cherry

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

You fucking SWINE!

Lemsip Cold & Flu. tissues. toilet roll. bed. cups of honey & lemon. velour bottoms. tired. hair up. curtains closed. sleeping. EVIAN. toast & butter. Swine Flu information documents for user. Tamiflu meds. paracetomol. ibruprofen. Tropicana. Chicken soup. banana. Twilight. No twitter. BBIM. 4 days. every 4 hours. no light. bedroom. Strep throat. Sick bag. bathroom. Soothers. Clarithromycin. door shut.

QT. Parie. on Reckie. With me.

Callum. Eiffel. WEST ROCKS Paris 2010. soon.

good. old. times.

CMJ 2008 Fader Fort photo shoot for Levis with Charlie, hot redhead & U.S. Royalty

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M.O. Paris. typical French. Sleeping in a museum. Gold.